We are the artisans of sustainable relations
We craft projects,
and programs
by design
We unlock
the value
of people
and organizations
SMEs are our passion
Experience our first skill
Our personal touch
I bring the ability to see beyond with passion, originality, method, at each of my steps. This is my distinctive feature as a consultant for the first 12 years, manager of family businesses for the following 10 and as entrepreneur today. From strategy to operational management, I have been able to experience SMEs from any point of view in different functions, consolidating what I had learned during my studies: master in management and business ethics, major in economics, qualified coach and professional counsellor diploma. I created Tessa because I wanted to share the knowledge I had acquired during my journey and support the growth of SMEs. I consider achievements as an expression of oneself: I have been able to verify the efficacy of this approach while managing companies, racing on sailboats, interacting with people looking to get to know themselves better. I quickly establish solid connections based on mutual trust, broadening the horizons to new futures.
Relation Designer - Coach
Claudia Rivolta
“Genius is nothing but the ability to observe the reality from non-ordinary perspectives.”
W. James
These are in synthesis my distinctive features. Degree in clinical development psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, mBit coach, Lego serious Play® certificate, Art therapy, these are the studies that have contributed - and still are - to my growth and development as a human being.
I have also been able to fulfil my attraction to relational dynamics and people professionally, all organizations I have experienced have been fundamental in building up and consolidating my know-how: the various and stimulating roles I have been able to cover, including senior positions, gave me the opportunity to engage, advance, grow.
I have a strong team play orientation which originates from my experience as professional basketball player, and which I continue to cultivate in the professional arena: I believe good teamwork is an inexhaustible opportunity for any organization.
Jamburrito - Marketing & Communication Advisor
Teo Ballarati
“The future belongs to people who give off ideas.”
S. Godin
In order to reach a goal it is always good to have a plan. Since my beginnings as a copywriter, I have always thought that a strategic approach would bring value to the potential of creativity. I went ahead along this path and found my distinctiveness: a tension towards innovation fired by thorough analysis and driven by solid planning. I have had the opportunity to experiment it all along my professional life, while exploring the many facets of marketing and communication and looking at them from different points of view: first as creative in an advertising agency, later in the coordination of huge creative teams, finally through the direction of the marketing department. Then today has arrived. Experiences, know-how, successes and failures… all wrapped in a burrito, easy to munch on for all those businesses hungry to embark on a path towards innovation. This is me today, a passionate consultant who loves what he does. And still starving…
Relation Designer - Educatore
Serena Vailati
“Se vuoi che qualcosa migliori, devi diventare migliore.”
Jim Rohn
Educatore professionale di nascita, HR per scelta. Occuparmi di formazione trasversale in azienda mi ha fatto conoscere il mondo HR dalla lente della consulenza, con uno sguardo allargato ma obiettivo, costruendo capacità di visione e analisi senza dimenticare l’efficacia nel qui ed ora.
La mia propensione a cercare senso e valore in ogni scelta, mi ha spesso portato in realtà organizzative in via di sviluppo, in cui ri-costruire processi e relazioni. Vivere nuovi inizi ha rafforzato le mie capacità di adattamento e gestione dell’incertezza, quando la condivisione di una visione chiara e la comprensione dei bisogni reciproci diventano elementi imprescindibili per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi comuni.
Questa stessa passione mi ha spinto verso l’impegno sociale e il volontariato, da membro della banda a ruoli di rilievo nella rete associativa del territorio: la musica è stata il mezzo, la relazione il risultato.
Oggi la sfida è accompagnare le organizzazioni a vivere il divenire come una continua opportunità, riconoscendo e valorizzando le relazioni come primo ed essenziale fattore di successo.
Le persone sono le note, ogni relazione una bellissima sinfonia.
Relation Designer & Marketing Specialist
Elisa Fasolato
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
H. Ford
I bring these qualities into my job and daily life. The studies at the Brera Academy, the hr management, my passion for art and design gave me the opportunity to bring to the organizations and the development of people a more creative element and point of view that I was able to shape while working in communication as well as in service companies.
My strongest interest lies in people, a creative work of art of incredible richness and variety. I like to let it emerge and reveal it, this is what leads me when I meet an individual, I join an organization, I design the most effective way to communicate a profile, a service, an event. My eyes look at the human component that exists behind and inside everything. The job of Relation Design, a new challenge combined with my two big passions, people and art, with the goal to help SMEs design human relations.
These are my keywords, the leitmotif of my path: occupational therapist, organizational consultant, family businesses expert and coach.
My objective is to support people and organizations in achieving sustainable results through a systematic approach while contributing to the growth of their know-how and unlocking unexpressed potential through empowerment plans.
I have gained my experience within multinationals operating in different industries and with a varied level of complexity and today I leverage it as a consultant dedicated to family businesses. In my work I put creativity, energy, attention to details. I like to explore the unusual and search for new solutions by listening to people’s stories, discovering their journeys and their passions. My verb is to travel.
It is during my travels that I have learned to see the world from different perspectives and, through the gaze of others, to understand myself more deeply.
Counselor – Esperta di imprenditorialità e vendite
Lorenza Scotti
"A partire dal momento in cui ci immergiamo nella dimensione della passione, possiamo spostare le montagne. E qualcosa nel fondo di noi lo sa" Christiane Singer
La laurea in psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni affiancata alla formazione come counselor professionista hanno intersecato e accompagnato il mio percorso trentennale come imprenditrice di seconda generazione dell’azienda di famiglia. Attraversare i cambiamenti del contesto sociale, dei mercati e delle fasi economiche che si sono susseguiti è stata l’occasione per diventare consapevole di quali nuove variabili caratterizzano oggi la cultura d’impresa.
L’aver vissuto in prima persona il passaggio generazionale mi permette di accompagnare le organizzazioni e le persone nel vivere e progettare i propri passaggi con consapevolezza e generatività, supportandole nel trovare un “filo conduttore” tra esperienze e abilità che dia significato ai percorsi professionali rispettando l’autenticità e la propria realizzazione in armonia con il sistema impresa.
Accoglienza e ascolto attivo mi caratterizzano nello sviluppo di percorsi individuali per evidenziare le potenzialità e i talenti di chi sceglie di affrontare i cambiamenti con consapevolezza. Sia nelle aziende che in ambito sociale conduco percorsi di gruppo con una visione bifocale attenta agli obiettivi prefissati e alle risorse dei singoli.
Facilitator of empowerment courses, actor, director
Paolo Garghentino
“You can only listen well when you tolerate not understanding”
P. Bichsel
These are, in short, the dimensions that describe me. Alongside my work as an actor, I vividly research and study the human realm: I specialize in techniques that help calibrate psycho-physical conditions and improve performance, through an empathic attention to somatic signals in relation to personal behaviour and their impact on group dynamics, through the practice and coordination of meditation.
Thanks to this know-how and skills I facilitate personal development and empowerment programmes within organizations that have a strong orientation to people, aiming to create a safe and collaborative relational space where the group supports the individual. This is the process that triggers the awakening of inner resources and the rediscovery of potentials which can be put at the service of the working community.
Coach, Counselor, mBIT trainer
Emanuela Crapanzano
"Awareness is the greatest agent for change"
E. Tolle
After a degree in languages and a managerial experience in Mediaset, my passion for growth and people development has awaken. I am a gestalt counsellor and trainer; in 2015 I discovered I’mBraining, the latest frontier in neuroscience and I have first become mBIT coach and later trainer as well so that I could spread the mBit philosophy and techniques; I am a business coach with ICF credentials.
My contributions to organizations today are coaching and training; I also support private clients in their journeys to personal growth.
I’m mother of two children with SMA and I cooperate with the Famiglie Sma association, making my skills available to parents experiencing my same conditions, because I believe we can make sense of what happens to us if we transform it into value for others.
Management consultant, Business coach, Area AFC
Simone Rizzi
“There is no favourable wind for the sailor who doesn't know where to go. (Ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est).”
Passionate about numbers since I was a child, they have been my profession for more than 25 years. I supported entrepreneurs of more than 50 SMEs operating in different industries and of various dimensions, particularly family businesses, developing specific skills on management control, administration, finance, organization and processes, information systems. I put myself to test as temporary General Manager of an organization outsourcing CFO services to several companies.
As I have always been interested in personal improvement, I have certified as mental coach because I believe that owning the tools to manage relations at best and communicate effectively and constructively is a fundamental requirement in anyone’s life as well as in an organization.
I like to face new challenges and at this time of fast technological and social evolution the ability to observe the reality from different points of view becomes essential.
My dream is to give value to anyone I meet and learn something new every day.
I’m a physiotherapist, osteopath, posturologist, mental coach.
I supported the Italian national ice-skating team in two Winter Olympics, worked at the World and European Fencing Championships, as well as with the Milan A.C team. Through my experience in professional sport I was able to highlight the inextricable link between mind and body. My curiosity for the mind and how it functions has led me to achieve a master in mental coaching.
As a result of my professional journey I have created the PosturalCoach® method which is the result of all therapeutic and motivational skills acquired during these 20 years of activity.
Mind and body, intricately linked in our biggest adventure: life.
Their harmony donates us a full and happy existence. A healthy and vital body is the basis for a resilient and sharp mind, and vice versa.
This is my job, my mission, my passion.